Hybrid Artificial Intelligence (HAI) Project : Creating Intelligence available for everyone the first Hybrid Artificial.

HAI Project - Allows small business owners to compete with established industries.

If you want to invest in the Initial coin offering (ICO) program then I have a very good ICO info for you to follow that is "Hybrid Artificial Intelligence (HAI) Project". For more details about this Project let us discuss together

About HAI Project 
HAI means hybrid artificial intelligence. It is regarded as the heartbeat of modern development in terms of industrial growth. Basically, HAI has the primary target of providing adequate enabling economic environment that will enable small business owners to compete more favorably with already established industries.

Through secure blockchain platform, HAI allow all users to benefit optimally from token transactions.

It is the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence to combine 3 critical sectors that rule the economy of our environment even though we can’t see it so clearly.

The main purpose of HAI is to provide the chance to small business owners to compete against big companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the chance to do profitable trading and finally to protect themselves and their business from criminals of all over the world.

Creating a powerful Hybrid-AI combined with an ecofriendly infrastructure there are no boundaries, providing the opportunity to operate this HAI system through the use of the block chain technology (ERC20 tokens & Smart Contracts) all users with HAI tokens will be able to benefit from the project.

Vision for the HAI Project is to create the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence capable of detecting new cyber-threats, the opportunity both traditional financial markets and data applied to business intelligence.

Multiple infrastructures in every industry have flaws or misconfigured elements, allowing malicious users to abuse their systems or even try to attack them in order to get a personal benefit at the expense of other people, this is why we need more than just power.It has been proven in multiple competitions that Artificial Intelligence is superior to humans when it is transformed raw information into usable knowledge.

Features of the HAI project
A traditional AI system is very expensive and not available for normal users, with HAI the game changes, providing a cheap and powerful AI capable of:

1- Market Prediction
In order to have a successful trading experience, many hours or even days of research are needed to decide when to make a trade, normal people do not have that time, you do not have that time. HAI does the heavy lifting so you can spend time doing what you really love, but if you are deep into market research HAI can help you to take better decisions, 1 HAI and 1 brain is better than just a brain.

2- Threat Hunting
Attackers are becoming smarter and enhancing the complexity of their tools, it will be HAI the one who is going to protect you and even your business from these criminals, using threat hunting, malware analysis and behavioral analysis techniques.

3- Decision Making
Business Intelligence can help small business to increase their sales analysis of possible scenarios, market research and product development. Just because we do not start with tons of resources it does not mean we are unable to compete against bigger competitors, HAI provides a cheap research and decision making helper platform for you and your ideas.

Attributes of HAI system
HAI (Hybrid artificial intelligence) has the following distinguishing characteristics
  • -Tough and secure HAI platform that prevents hackers from invasion.
  • -Valid decision making arising from sophisticated business intelligence in the HAI platform
  • -Through feasibility studies that enable prompt research and development.
Problems HAI Hope Address
With global terrorism, cyber crime and high powered sponsored air crashes as well as the inordinate need for people to become financially autonomous being very high in relation to the exponential growth of the world population, HAI rise up to the undoubting challenge of solving the problems using energy, brainstorming and scientific approaches that are not only optimal but dependable. Following the problems created by hackers and other fraud related cases, it is obvious that financial losses are high among traders.

Again, information that are available to people are now easily accessed. For example, piracy is highly prevalent in the music industry which leads to low profit level for those involved. It is also noted that the big very companies have the bad habit of inducing monopoly which have negative indices on the upcoming business owners. Some of the above problems are what the HAI are willing to solve so that people can derive utmost utility in their investments.

The HAI Methodology
Problems identified are half solved and that is why HAI adopts some clear cut means towards solving the overall needs of people ranging from freedom from cyber invasion to piracy HAI.
  • -Is highly independent in its solution approach this is because the platform already has a team of seasoned experts
  • -Has defined sequence, methods and methodology.
  • -Is interdependent on its unit system. The HAI platform is designed in such a way that the components perform almost the same functions.
  • -Is intrinsic in its power of feedback mechanism, since HAI is modeled after human being its sensitivity towards analysis of information is at par.
  • -Has a well supervised way of carrying out tasks that bring about thorough validity before implementation.
Losses in Private Sectors by Cybercriminals
Only in the 2016 because of cybercriminals there are reported financial losses for up to 450 billion dollars, this doesn’t only affect the financial sector, it even affects you, data leakage, degraded critical services; you are not safe.

Lack of Opportunity for Small Business Owners
Industry leaders have monopolized big markets, stealing costumers from small business owners that’s because they invest millions of dollars for market research and that needs to end, once the bigger companies have gained control over a market, they tend to increase prices that only makes the 1% richer.
Only in the United States 90% of the media is controlled by only 6 companies.
Low cost market research through a public AI system which gives a business owner a chance against bigger companies, an AI so powerful, enough to digest information from all kinds of markets, correlate that information and present it in a useful way to the end user.

Financial Education:
In order to get constant profits in the financial market, research is a must but not everyone has the time or the ability to take good decisions according to given information.

Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem
Artificial Intelligence is knocking the door in almost every area of knowledge where humans analyze information and try to solve macro-problems. The main goal of Artificial Intelligence is to take advantage of the current processing capabilities of a computer and make it think like a human with capabilities beyond our understanding.

Human Hours Saving & Assets Management
The human work needed for decision making, for example a business strategy is massive; let’s talk about worked hours per week.

In average at least the 20% of the Korean workers spend more than 50 hours per week working, in other countries like Mexico, the average number of hours worked each week is 48 hours and moving on to India the average is 52 hours worked per week.

HAI Project’s Purpose & Application
HAI is the first project to bring hope for the average person, capable of doing the little things needed to make everyone’s life easier.

Basic AI Functionalities to be implemented
It is the basic feature of letting the AI system to find knowledge by itself using multiple internet sources previously whitelisted in order to ensure the credibility of the information digested by the system, allowing it to expand capabilities without stopping.

At the early stages of development these are needed in order to serve has a baseline (main purpose) for the AI so it can start learning about topics needed to fulfill the needs of the initial algorithms.

Neural Network:
This network is designed to be similar to the human nervous system (the communication of neurons through links in the brain) allowing the use of learning stages in which the AI learns how to solve complex problems by breaking them.

Human Language Processing:
Language processing allows the HAI system to interpret the human’s communications in order to determine common slangs used in the Cyber Security, Financial and Big Data industries.

Deep Learning:
It is a feature of an AI system as it is the basic principle for acquisition of knowledge by a system, parsing information giving a context to it and making basic relationships.

Supervised Learning:
As critical tasks the AI system will be performing it is an obligation for the HAI Project’s team to supervise the acquired knowledge by the HAI AI’s therefore confirm its validity, this is a critical task as the learning process won’t be visible for the team.

Reinforcement Learning:
The basic explanation for this concept is, experts in the 3 industries we choose to help, will teach our AI system concepts about each industry in order to improve the learning efficiency (making the learning curve shorter).

Transfer Learning:
This gives the ability to the HAI system to search by its own without any instruction given, improving the accuracy in the produced predictions.

HAI Tokens
The HAI Project was born thinking about solving issues that nobody was able to solve in years and are more urgent to solve as these problems are becoming bigger and bigger. Artificial Intelligence is the solution, creating a system capable of outrunning thousands of humans in just a fraction of an hour, saving thousands of hours and more important, saving money, a lot.

A HAI token is meant to represent a percentage of the actual network power, allowing an user to use the AI for purposes within the scope of the project, this will be done using a web application developed by the HAI Project’s team which will lock up tokens for a given amount of time also the users will be able to upload data to the AI (a guide will be provided) and receive reports for that data.

At the very beginning the HAI tokens will be issued using the Ethereum Platform, creating 70,000,000 HAI. Once the ICO is over and the main block chain is launched a token swap is planned, migrating to an independent network with no congestions, big fees or scalability problems.

Token Supply and Sales
Token sale is designed in 3 different stages
  • -Pre-Ico phase
  • -Ico phase 1
  • -Phase 2
Below show the movement

The three stages of token sale are synchronized and yield similar ratio in terms of output. The Ico has the highest token distribution in the HAI distribution hierarchy. The current distribution of token in HAI platform is judged as follows

Funds Allocation
In case the ICO process doesn’t reach the hard cap the remaining tokens will be burned giving a higher value to bought HAI tokens in the Pre-ICO and ICO phase since HAI Project is public and open to the funds allocation will be too, the main plain for the funds is for research hardware operations and marketing.

2018, Q2
Since this is will be the initial phase of the project these objectives are needed in order to get a healthy growth in the following years.

Team Creation: The goal is to find at least 20+ experts in dierent industries, those are: Artificial Intelligence, Front-end, Back-End, Marketing, Financial, Cybersecurity and Big Data.

Facility Arrangements: Acquire the entire infrastructure needed to build the hosting supercomputer where the hardware will be adjusted to the raised funds in the ICO. Partnership Agreements: In order to get high-scope clients it is required to find the right business partners able to help us build a good and stable organization/infrastructure.

Release of test-net V1: The first version of our AI powered by our own facility will be released at a 5% capacity in order to start testing deep learning capabilities of the system.

Exchanges Trading: Multiple exchanges will allow HAI trading in order to allow investors to start buying tokens for computing power assignati

2018, Q3
Product Development: Once research has been done and the test-net v1 released, the future services and/or products to be released will be fully structured, in order to deliver them at the early 2019.

Test-Net Upgrade: After a lot of research and testing, the main test-net of the AI will get an upgrade adding better deep learning instructions for mass scaling allowing the AI to decrease its learning curve.

Multiple industries learning: Once the learning curve of the AI has been decreased, the mass learning process will start allowing it to actively gather more knowledge

2018, Q4
Product Lineup Release: After legal issues have been settled and strategic partnerships signed, the o•cial lineup of services/products will be released allowing business to take advantage of the HAI Artificial Intelligence.

Facility Upgrade: According to the usage of the overall resources by the AI an upgrade will be made increasing the computing power depending of the projected needs.

Main-net Release: The Main-Net allowing customers to use the AI in real time will be released to the public. Lending Platform Release: Allowing HAI holders to lend tokens through our web application using the power of smart contracts

2019, Q1
New facility creation: In the plan of expanding the business scope, another facility will be created adding 1,000+ GPUs to the main net, decreasing the learning curve of the AI.

Business Expansion: Multiple locations will be opened in critical countries allowing HAI to have a worldwide presence.

Product Lineup Expansion: As planned previously developed products and services will be released to the public for business inquires.

HAI Box: Once HAI has been tested for a long period and the self-learning capabilities have been fully developed an enterprise environment can be reached providing HAI Boxes to interested companies.


Alfredo Aguirre: CEO/CO-FOUNDER
Alejandro Flores: CTO/CO-FOUNDER
Keyla Garza: PR MANAGER
Grecia Villegas: UX/UI LEAD DESIGNER
Lui Ferrandiz: AI DEVELOPER


Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.
Till next time…

For more information about HAI Project, please visit and follow the link below:
Website: https://haiproject.com/
Whitepaper: https://haiproject.com/documents/HAIProject.V1.0.1.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3246367
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialhaiproject/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProjectHai
Telegram: https://t.me/HAIProject

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1409779


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